Build and merchandise your inventory for faster turns and more gross. Highest profitability happens when you acquire a vehicle and know exactly how you’re going to sell it, even before you bid on it.
Powerful Insights
Utilize custom reports to track everything you need: days in stock, water report, ROI, hot vehicles, and more.
Real-Time Syndication
Automatically send inventory to your website and other third parties, such as AutoTrader and Make changes on the fly in the ProMax mobile app to keep online vehicles up to date.
Configurable E-brochure
Easily market to prospects with the fast and effective E-brochure, complete with configurable rate, term, payment, vehicle options, and more.
Price to Optimize Profits
Bid, price, and merchandise your inventory using the most accurate database, powered by J.D. Power. Valuate cars more precisely with detailed OEM build data, and stock your inventory with vehicles that have the highest potential for a quick, profitable turn.